Friday, September 21, 2007

Make a Big Difference in the Bathroom !

The use of new wood to create paper products uses a tremendous amount of electricity, water, let alone the trees themselves. Most of us know that. Here is a simple way to make a big difference. Seventh Generation makes alot of green products. One of them is bathroom tissue. At the regular supermarket, it costs a fair amount more than the standard tissue. But you can purchase 1000 sheets of 100% recycled paper for 99 cents at Vitamin Cottage stores. (Price could be subject to change.) This is a really good price. You can purchase either one-play or two-ply. Before you say "ewww", be assured of the following: this 100% recycled paper is hypo-allergenic and whitened without chlorine bleach. If every household in the U.S. replaced just one roll of 1000 sheet virgin paper bathroom tissue with 100% recycled ones, we could save: * 469,000 trees *1.2 million cubic feet of landfill space, equal to 1700 full garbage trucks * 159 million gallons of water, which is a year's supply for 1300 families of four. Now, isn't that worth it? (Annie receives no compensation or other benefit from this blog.)

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